Famous birthday quotes are always a great option when you can't think of anything to write in a card. Let the pearls of wisdom of those who have gone before you, spill out and bring comfort or a smile to your recipient.
Birthdays come but once a year and yet we seem to stumble over our words and not know what to say. Much has been written and spoken about this famous day, and many well-known personalities have expressed their opinions. Some are humorous and some make you think and ponder.
It's easy to throw a "Happy Birthday" at someone, but it has become somewhat overused and just doesn't pack much of a punch any longer. You say "Happy Birthday" to someone, who in turn says, "Thank you." Then you both go on your way going about your business. Shake things up a bit and come up with some fun and exciting to say to the birthday recipient. Create your own style and become known as the person who always has famous birthday quotes for whoever is having a birthday. People will look forward to hearing what you have to say to someone who is having a birthday.

We've gathered together a nice assortment of famous birthday quotes, so you may select the ones that best match not only your personality, but also your recipient.

We've gathered together a nice assortment of famous birthday quotes, so you may select the ones that best match not only your personality, but also your recipient.
Here are a couple of famous one-liner birthday quotes to consider imparting to your friends or loved ones who are celebrating birthdays and have a good sense of humor:
Charles Schulz - "Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed."
Indeed this is true. You blink an eye and another year has passed you by.
Caryn Leschen - "Thirty-five is when you finally get your head together and your body starts falling apart."
Indeed! Now you begin to fight the good fight to maintain a waistline and steer clear of getting spread-osis. A disease which ultimately ends in excess weight, fluid retention, one continuous thigh!
If you didn't find quite what you were looking for, here's another batch of famous birthday quotes to mull over and see if one of these might be a perfect match for that special person:
Pope John XXIII - "Men are like wine: some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age."
Gentlemen, this is indeed something to strive toward achieving. Who wants to be around a grumpy old man, or for that matter a grumpy old woman!
Abraham Lincoln - "And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."
Yep! Grow old gracefully and you will find you enjoy life even more with each passing day.
George Clemenceau - "Middle Age: When you begin to exchange your emotions for symptoms."
Yikes! Oh, so true. You get off the emotional roller coaster, and begin the long trek of symptoms.
To check out a whole slew of famous birthday quotes, visit my website. You can click on over using the link below. You will find lots of options that are suitable for everyone from 21 to 100, with some pokes at middle age, women, men and just a general batch of funny quotes.
So, the next time you need to fill out a birthday card, consider including a fun or inspiring quote. With that, I leave you with an Irish blessing. "May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live."
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5365961